v0.0 & brainstorm

I’m participating in 48h game jam as a solo team. I have a barebones template project (Bby) that includes some basics I learned to do in previous jams & new addition - audio. I’m going to use it.

My 1st jam day was trying to find a stable build and fixing issues of planning workaround. Gladly, I managed to fix the major errors that prevented packaging, so now I won’t have to do anything from gorund up.

The template includes:

  • basic menu
  • E to interact with space (pick up objects, get instructions)
  • SuperGrid for quick prototyping (includes ladders, elevators)
  • 3d pov
  • fighting with ai (disappears after 5 fits, hits back, follows)
  • ambient level sound, menu intro sound, sound when clicking & hovering in menu
  • loading next level

Ideally I need to:

  • storytelling intro (pics, voiceover like re4)
  • instructions on pause menu
  • add voiceover
  • door/key system etc. Currently items just get picked up and give info, but they do not interact with anything.
  • light and sound should indicate contamination protocol
  • steps sound

The environment is planned:

  • some random office rooms
  • water room
  • kinda broken elevators
  • ladders
  • escape route & roof (boss battle)


  • follow, cannot be killed. need to distract them so they free up space where you can find the items
  • enemies you can punch (disappear in 5 punches), they fight back
  • currently no health bar, probably will not be added
  • to add: leg kick that kills enemies from 1 hit (when you jump in ladder space), but probably too complex for time allocated for the jam (need original animation etc)

to fix:

  • pause menu and escape doesn’t work

Story and character is from my personal project, that allows sequels and spin offs due to a ton of lore. Jack is a spy/assassin, that needs to escape the original mission building after something went wrong. Due to building’s entry protocol, he has no weapons and will punch through enemies or have to run away .


v0.0 - out of control - base template.zip 623 MB
3 days ago

Get <<out of CôNTRôL.>>

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