02:gd.tv jam 2024 result

2024.05.6, 2:43am

So, game jam is finished. I wasn't attentive enough, so I mistook the deadline by a day. Had to upload the only version I already have exported, which was super barebones. Not that I had many extras on top of it prepared, but I thought I had time for some significant changes. 

Regardless, I did participate and did achieve the bare minimum: continuous levels with basic enemies, menu and location concepts.

There is another jam I can participate in with the same game:


I will try to add things I planned for the latest update. This jam doesn't seem to have limit on assets, so I do not have to use only permanently free assets (even tohugh i found mostly everything i needed).

I will work on this game anyway until completion of the concept I have in mind. It won't be a full fledged serious game, just 3 workable levels with the mechanics I want, which I can turn into different games or use parts of in different projects. It is more of a test merging everything into workable thing without breaking it. 

Additionally, i want to see how far into realism I can go with something as simple as 3 level game, until my hardware will have issues.

There is plenty of stuff that can be added here, even if it won't be a seirous game. It can be a godo test project for portfolio based on a very silly idea (kicking enemies from location Sparta style, that was basically it lol).

I write more detailed blog on my tumblr:



v1 - gdtv2024.zip 450 MB
25 days ago

Get This is Last Stand!

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